But it was suited!

This is the Blog of the Defman (This is just a nickname, I am not deaf) It will chart my life and thoughts (a scary concept to anyone who knows me!) and will hopefully make your life just a little bit better.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Omaha, he's making eyes at me!

I have recently decided that as a solid player, playing (largely) by a set play book that I could play more than one tournament at one time, so I decided to give it a go and registered for three consecutive tournaments. All was looking good until on the second one to start I was dealt four hole cards. Now if you are a Hold'em player like me this comes as a bit of a shock! I looked at the title bar and found that I was in an Omaha game. Not only that, it was a variety called Omaha Hi-Lo. Now, whilst I am confident of my Hold'em play I didn't have a clue what the rules were to this game, let alone know what a good hand looked like. So I took the only option that I could see and went onto the poker academy site and cried for help!

My night in shining armour turned out to be Cadmium Lemon who, within about 3 minutes of my asking for help, posted a synopsis of the rules and a recommendation of how to play. I knew that this would be worth following, Cadmium Lemon is a regular in the Bubble* and often a winner in a variety of poker tournaments and his advice is well worth taking. Following his advice (and using a little of my inherent card sense) I was able to see off 4331 players to finish 345th. This was unfortunately still outside the bubble but was a far better showing than I would have achieved without his advice.

I have learned two things from this tournament that make the whole experience well worth while. Firstly that I should pay attention to the details of a tournament before I register for it, and secondly that Omaha Hi-Lo is a lot of fun to play. I have decided to play a few O8 (as it seems to be called by those in the know) tournaments and see if I can improve on my first showing and make the bubble.

Oh and a final note for the Jester – I think I have found a verity of poker where J 7 suited is (almost) worth playing!

*the Bubble is the paid places in a tournament.


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