But it was suited!

This is the Blog of the Defman (This is just a nickname, I am not deaf) It will chart my life and thoughts (a scary concept to anyone who knows me!) and will hopefully make your life just a little bit better.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

The Poker Olympics

I had the honour of representing the UK in the first ever Poker Olympics (organised by Pokerplasm) on Sunday in the seven card stud hi/lo event. This is not one of my strongest events and so I was very happy to get a bronze medal (I am still waiting for the medal to turn up but the cash for third is in my account already so, happy days!).

This has been the highlight of my poker month (it has been a month since I last posted here, partly because I have been so busy but mostly because I lost my username and password for the blog!) and as well as this, my ring game poker is coming on nicely. I have learned the secret of success on ring games and it is….. you have an even bigger chance of getting a call on an all in if the other player can play on afterwards so you really must have the nuts before you try (this is not always the case as it depends on your opponent but it is a good starting proposition). This also means that there is a lot more play (the blinds never go up) so patience is even more important than ever.

I must go now, as Frodo said “I can hear the ring calling me”

Be Lucky!


At 11:49 PM, Blogger Defman said...

the best is yet to come!


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